in itonttibinqMAn'V ifiebemption. T7 will of the flefh, that is form'd of the fubftance of the Chap XII. Fleth, and by the fenfual Appetite, isdefiled:but though He was form'd of the fubftance of the Virgin, yet by vertue of as Heavenly Principle, according to the words of the Angel to her, The Holy Gholl (hall come Luke i. 35. upon thee, and thepower of the klighefl'(hall pverfnadow thee; therefore afo that Holy thing that(hallbe born of thee, Pall be called the Son ofGod. He came in the appearance only offinful flefli. As the Brazen Serpent Rom 8, 8, had the figure, and not the poifon of the fiery Serpent. Fie was without actual Sin; He foil'd the Tempter in all his arts and methods wherewith he tried Him. He refitted the Luft ofthe Flefh, by refufing tomake the ftones Bread to affwage his Hunger; and the Lull of the Eyes, in defpiling the Kingdoms of the World with all their Treafures 5 and the Pride ofLife, when he would not throw him felf down, that by the inter- pofing of Angels for His refcue; there might be a vi- fible proof that He was the Son ofGod. The accuf- er himfelf confeft Him to be the Holy One of God : ß1E a. 24. he found no corruption within Him, and could draw nothing out of him. Judas that betrayed him, and Pilate that condemned him , acknowledged his Inno- cence. He perfe tly fulfill'd the Law, and didalwaies what pleafed his Father. In the midis of his Sufferings, . no irregular motion difturbed his Soul, but He alwaies expreft the higheft Reverence to God, and unfpeak- able Charity to Men. He was compared to a Lamb, (for his Pall-ion and his Patience) that quietly dies at the foot of the Altar. Betides, We may confider in our Mediator not on- ly a perfeét freedom from Sin, but an impofibility that he Should be toucht by it. The Angelical Nature was liable to folly ; but the Humane Nature by its inti- mate and unchangeable Union with the Divine is efta- F f bliiht.