s is t)e a n1ottWof tieZíbítte tttíbttU , Cha blitht above all pofïibility of Falling. The Deity is. Holinefs it felf, and by its perfonal prefence, is a greater prefervative from fin, than either the vifion of God in Heaven, or themoft permanent habit ofGrace. Our Sa- John 5.19. viour tells us the Son can donothingofhimfelf, but ac- cording to the pattern the Father f is him. Now the perfect Holinefs of our Redeemer hath a fpecial ef- ficacy in making his Death to be the expiation of Sin, 8eb.7.26,27. as the Scripture frequently declares. For fuch an high Priefi became us who isholy, harmlefs, undefiled andfe- 2 Cor.$. 21. paratefrom'inners. And he that knew no fin, was made fin for us, that we might be made the Righteoufnefs of ,s. God in him. We are Redeemed not with corruptible things,assilver, and Gold, but with the preciousBlood of chrifi as ofaLambwithout blemifh,and withoutfpot.And ifa. 43. a r. byhis knowledgefhallmy righteous Servantjuflifae many. 4. 'Twas requifite the Mediator fhould be God and Man. He muff affume the nature of Man, that hemight beput in his ffead in order to make fatisfafion forhim. He was tobe our reprefentative, therefore fuch a con jun&ion between us muff be, that God might efleem all his People to fuller in him. By theLaw of ifrael' the right of Redemption belonged to him that was next inblood : NowChrifi took theSeed of Abraham, . the original element of our nature, that having a right of Propriety in us as God, He might have a right of Propinquity as Man. He was allied to all Men, as Men: that Hisfufferings might be univerfally beneficial. And He muff be God : 'tis not his Innocency only, or De- putation, but theDignityof his Perlon that qualifies Him tobe an all-fufficient Sacrifice for Sin, fo that God may difpenfe pardon, in a way that is honourable to Juffice. For Juftice requires a proportion between the Punifhment andthe Crime : and that receives its quality from the dignityof the perfon offended, Now fince the