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fit Contttbíng CreirM 311ebeniptiort; 22 by Angels and Men in thepraifes of him. For the aloft Chap XII. perfeét Creatures are limited, and finite, and their fer- vices cannot fullycorrefpond with theMajefty of God; but when the Word was made Flefh, and entered into a new Rate of fizbjefon, he glorified God in a Divine manner and molt worthy of him. He that contes from Joh. 3.3,. above, is above all. The allfufciencyof his Satisfafti- on arifes from hence, He that was in the form ofGod, rhit.2.E. and thought it no robbery to beequal with God ; that is, in the truth of the Divine Nature was equal with the Father, and without ficriledge, or ufurpation poffeft Divine Honour, he became obedient to the Deathof the i cor. 2. P Crofs. The Lord of Glory was Crucified. We are pur- chafed by the Blood of God. And the Blood of jefus Aa. 2o, 28 Chrifl his Son cleanfeth us from all Sin. The Divine Naturegives it an infinite and everlafting efficacy. And 'tis obfervable, that the Socinians, the declared enemies ofhis Eternity,confentaneoufly to their firft im- pious error, deny his Satisfa'rion. For if Jefus Chrift were but a titular God,` his Sufferings how deep foever, had been infufficient to expiate our offence: in His Death He had been only a Martyr, not a Mediator. For no Satisfà&ion can be made to Divine Juftice, but by buffering that which is equivalent to theguilt of Sin, which as 'tis inconceivably great, fuck muff the Satis fa&ionbe. CHAP. XIII. Divine Juftice is declared and glorifed in the Death of Chrift. The threefold account the Scripturegives ofit.. As a Punifhment infliTedfor Sin, as a Price to redeem its from Hell, as a Sacrifice to reconcile us to God. Manwas Capitally guilty. Chrift with theallowance of