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222 tjepartttoupof tte 2fítribtaeO, Ch. XIII. of God interpofes as his Surety. HisDeath was in- fluted onhim by the Supreme judge. The impulfive Caufe of it was Sin. His Sufferings were equivalent to the Sentence ofthe Law. The Fffèèt of them is our Freedom. An Anfwer to the Obje&ion, That 'tis a violation ofJuffice to transfer the Puniíhment from the guilty to the innocent. The DeathofChrift is the Price that redeems fromHell. This fingular effect of his Death diftinguifhes it from the death of the Martyrs. An Anfwer to the Obje&ions. How could God receive this Price, fince he gave his Son to that Death which redeems us? And how our Redeemer, fuppo(ing himGod, can make Satisfaction to Hìmfelf? The Death of Chrift reprefented as a Sacrifice. The Expiatory Sacrifices under the Law were fubftituted in the place ofguilty Men. The Effeíts ofthem an- fwerable to their threefold refeCI, to God, Sin and Men : The Atonement of Anger, the Expiation of Sin, and Freedomfrom Punifhment. Allforts ofPla- catory Sacrifces are referr'd to Chrift, and the effects ofthem in a fublime andperfect manner. Noprejudice to the Freenef and Greatnef of God's Love, that Chrift by his Death reconciled Him to men. HAvingpremifedthelethings, I {ball now prove that the Divine julic is really declar'd and glorified in the obedient Sufferings of Chriff. For the open- ing thispoint, 'tis neceffary to confider the account the Scripture givesof his Death ; which is threefold: r. 'Tis reprefented under the relation of a Puniflt- ment infliéted on him for Sin, and the effeil of it is Sa- tisfaCtion to theLaw. 2. As a Price to redeem us from Hell. 3. Under the notion of a Sacrifice to reconcile God to Sinners. Firlt.