in Conttitiíng Or Mfg ilebemption. 2 2 3 Firfl. As a Punifhment infliéted onhim for Sin. This Chap.XlI. will appear by confidering, VN., I. That Manby his Rebellion againft God was capi- tally guilty : He flood fentencedbythe Law toDeath. 2. Chrift with the allowance of the Supreme Judg, interpofedas our Surety, and in that relationwas mad e liable to Punifhment. Sins are by refemblance called Debts. As a Debt obliges the Debtor to payment, fo Sin Both the Sinner to Punifhment. And as the Creditor hath a right to exact the Payment from the Debtor, fo God bath a right to inflict Punifhment on via. Dr. stir. the guilty. But with this difference, the Creditor by r hadaPh the meer fignification of his will may difcharge the bleclearnelra. Debtor, for hehath anabfolute power over his eftate : hath vindica. whereas publick Juftice is concern'd in the Punifhment dNéfsA_ of the guilty. This is evident by many inftances. For risfa Lion, 'tis not fufficient that a Criminal fatisfie his Adverfary, e&ons f unlefs the Prince, who is the Guardian of the Laws, creIDus. give him Pardon. The intereft of a private Perlon, who bath received an injury, is fo diftinct from that of the State, that fometimes the injured party folicites the Pardon of the offender without fuccefs. Which Thews, that principally 'tis not to fatisfie the particular perfon, that the Crime is punifh'd, but to fatisfie the Law, and prevent future Diforders. Now our Debt was not pecuniary but penal And as in civil Cafes, where one becomes Surety for an- other, he is obliged to pay the Debt, for in the efli- mate oftheLaw they arebut one perfon ; So the Lord Fieb .7. at; Jefus Chrift entring into this relation, He fuftained the perfon ofSinners, andbecame judicially one with them, and according to the order ofJuftice, was li- able to their Punifhment. The difpleafure of God' was primarily and directly againft the Sinner, but the effets of it fell upon Chrift, who undertook for him. The.