Bates - BT775 B274 1675

24 oc pump_ of04Zit)*2ittrbtttt% h. I I. The AApoftle tells us, That when de Fulnefs of time ` - came, God f nt his Son, made under the Lau', that he Gal, q, q >4, might redeem them that were under the Law. He took our Nature and Condition : I-;e was made under the Law Moral and Ceremonial ' The direc`iive part of the Moral Law He fulfilled by the Innocency of his Life; thepenalty he satisfied as our Surety,being under anOb- ligation to Cave ur. And he appeared as a Sinner in his 'col. a. 14. fubje&ion to the Law of Mofes. That Hand-writing was againfi us; He therefore enter'd into the Bond that we had forfeited. In his Circumci6on He Ggned it with thofe drops of Blood, which were an earneft of his fhedding the refs on the Crofs. For whofoever was Circumcifed, became a Debtor to the whole Law. And we may obferve, 'tis laid, That as Mofes lifted up the brazen Serpent, fo the Law of which Mofes was a type and Minifter, lifted up the Meffiah on the Crofs. 3. The Scripture is very clear and exprefs in letting down the part that God had in the Sufferings of Chrift as Supreme Judg, the impulfive cause that moved Him, their proportion to the Punifhment of the Law, and the efteCl of them for our Deliverance. He was deli- Acts 2.23. vexed by the determinate counfel and foreknowledg of God. All thevarious and vicious actions of men, were over-ruled by his Providence : The falfnefs of Judas, the fearfulnefs of Pilate, and the malice of the Jews were fubfervient to Gods eternal defign. And as He wills not the Death of a Sinner, much lets of his Son, but for moft weighty Reafons: thefe are declared by the Prophet, All we likefheep have gone affray, and turned every one to his own waies: Our Errours were different, but the iffùe was the fame, that is, Eternal Ita 53, 6. Death : And the Lord laidon him the iniquity ofus all: that is, the Punifhment of our Iniquities. His Suf- ferings