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inCortétavírtgMetrt'V ttéDemptiott; 125 "erings had fuch a refpeec to Sin, as included the impu- Ch. XIII. tation of it. 'Twas an aEt ofSovereignty in God to LaAr, fd appoint Chriftas Man to be our Surety, but an ac`l; of Juflice to infliec thepunifhment, when Chrift had un- dertaken for us. 'Tis Paid, He bath born our griefr, 'and carried ourforrows. Theexpreflions are compre- henfive of all the Miferies of his Life, efpecially his !aft Sufferings. The Hebrew words Waft, and 8abal fignife fuch a taking away, as is by laying upon one -, who bears it from us. And thus it is interpreted by Primum de- St. Peter, He himfelfbare our fins in his own Body on ;ftaa'oiin. the tree. This neceffarily implies the derivation ofour di on m hu- guilt to him, and theconfequent of it, the transferring g, te-. of our punifhment. Thofe words are full and preg- newoneris nant to the fame purpofe : He was wounded for our ímpofiti. tranfgreffions, he was Irufed for our Iniquities, the Ifa. 93.44 ehaflifertent ofour peace was on hint, and with his firipes we are healed. Where the meritorious caufe of his Sufferings is fet down, as appears by the connexion ofthewords with the former. The yeros thought hint flricken, (mitten ofGod, and aflieíed; that is, juflly punifht for Blafphemy, and ufurping Divine Honour. In oppofition to this conceit 'tis added, But he was wounded for our tránfgrefons. This the Apofile ex- prefly telleth us, when he declares that Chrifl died for our Sins. This will appear more fully, by confidering what the defert ofSin is. Byour Rebellionwe made the forfei- ture ofSoul and Body to Divine Juftice : Death, both the firft and the fecond, was the Sentence of the Law. Now the Sufferings of Chrift were anfwerable to this Punifhment. The Death which theLaw threatned for Sin, was to be accompanied with Difhonour and Pain. And he fu$èred the Death of theCrofs inwhich the e- qual extremitys of ignominy and torment were joyn'd Gg A