Bates - BT775 B274 1675

'tieDArtnetir dt tie ítínc2ittributeg, A fpecial curie was annext to it, not only in refpeC1of the Judgment of Men, beforewhom a Crucified perfon was made a Speeiacle of publick Vengeance for his Crimes, but in refpe& of Gods declaration concerning it. The Jews were commanded that nonefhouldhang on a Tree longer than the Evenings left the Holy Land fhould be profaned by that, which was an exprefs mark of Gods Curie. Now the legal Curie was a Typical figni- ficationof the real, that fhould be fuffered by our Re- deemer. Betdes, his Death was attended withexqui- fite pains : he fuffer'dvariety of torments, by the fcour- ges, the thorns, the nails, that pierc'd his Hands and Feet, the leaft vital, but moil fenfible parts. He re- futed the Wine mix'd withMyrrh, that was given to flupifie the fenfes : for the deign of his Paffion re- quir'd, that he fhould have the quickeft fenfeof his Suf- ferings, which were the Punifhment of Sin. And his inward Sorrowswere equivalent to thepains of lofs and fenfe that are due toSinners. 'Tis true, there are cir- eumftances in the Sufferings ofthedamn'd,as Blafphemy, Rage, Impotent fiercenefs ofmind, which are not ap- pointedby the Law, but are accidental arifing from the perverfnefs of their Spirits For the puni(hment of the Law is a Phylical evil, but thefe are Moral: and that punifhment is infli&ed by the. Judge, but there are on- ly from the guilty Sufferers : Now to there he was not poffibly liable. Beides, the Death that the Sinner ought to Suffer is Eternal, attended with defpair, and the intolerableanguifh of Confcience. Now our Re- deemer having no real Guilt, was not liable to the worm of Confcience, and his temporary fufferings were equi- valent to the Eternal, upon the account of hisDivine Perron, fo that he was not capable of Defpair. But . heendur'd the unknown terrours of the fecond Death, fo faras was confiftent with the Perfehionof his Na- ture0