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inConttibing '11 an'l3ebttnption, 227 ture. The angui(h ofhis Soul wasnot meerly from fym- Ch. XIII. pathy withhis Body, but immediately fromDivine Dif- pleafure. 1 V Itpleafed the Lord to bruife him : this prin- I`N s3 zo. cipally refpects the Imprefiìons of Wrathmade upon his inward Man. Had theCup he fear'd been onlyDeath, with the bitter ingredients ofdi(honour and pain, many have drank it with more appearing reColution. The Martyrs endured more cruel torments without com- plaint; nay in their fharpeft conflicts have expre(t a tri- umphant joy. Whereas our Redeemerwas under all the innocent degrees of fear and forrowat the approach of his Sufferings. From whence was the difference ? HadChrift lefs Courage ? Hewas the Fountainoftheir Fortitude : the difference was not in the difpoution of the Patients, but in the nature of the Sufferings. He endured that which is infinitely more terrible than all outward torments. The Light of Joy that always (hi- ned in his Soul, a fweet Image ofHeaven, was then to- tally eclips'd. God, the Fountain of Compafiion, re- ftrain'd himfelf; his Father appear'd a revere inexorable Judge, and dealt with himnot as his Son, but our Sure- ty. Linder all theCruelties exercis'dby men, theLamb of God open'd not his mouth, but when the Father of 1tlercies, and the God of all Confolation: forlook him, thenhe broke forth into a mournful complaint. Now by this account of Chrifts Sufferings from Scripture, 'tis evident, theywere truly penal; for they were in- fluted for Sin, by the Supreme Judge, and were equi- valentto the Sentenceofthe Law. And the benefit we receive upon their account, proves that they are fatis- factiori . to Divine Juftice, for we are exempted from Puni(hment, by hisSubm°r'1ion to ir. He freed from cal. the Curfe of the Law, bcii, made a Curre forus. The Ifa. 53. s. Chafl-i fmesh ofour Pear zwas uo nhim by whofè(tripes we are healed. Sethai. being the Mcrito ions 2 Caufe