fit Containg tir Ectemptiou, 219 guilty pert-on who is (pared might grow worfe by im- Ch. XIII. punity, and caufegreat diforders by his evil example. But thofe confiderations are of no force in the cafe of our Saviour : For, T. He had full power to difpofe of his life: Ihave power to lay it dorm, and Ihavepower to take it again : Job. io. ,so_ this Co °amendment have I received ofmy Father. He dec'ares his poweras God, thathis life intirely depend- edon his will, to preferve it, or part with it : and his fubje&ion as Mediator to the orderof his Father. 2. Our Saviour could not finally Perifh, 'Twas not poffible he fhould be held under the power ofDeath. Â. 2.24: Otherwife it had beenagainft the Laws of reafon, that theprecious fhould for ever fuller for thevile. Better ten thoufand Worlds had been loft, than that the Holy One ofGod fhould per.ifh. He Pavedus through his Suf- ferings, though as by fire : and had a glorious 'reward in the iffue. 3. There is an infinite good redounds from his Suffe- rings: for. Sinners are exempted from Death, and the prefervation of the guilty is for the glory of Gods go- vernment : for thofe who are redeemed by his Death, . are renewed by his Spirit. He covers their fins, that hemay cure them. He is made Righteoufnefr andSan- r Cot. r. ¿lification to his People. The feriousbelief that Chrift by dying bath refcued us from Hell, produces a fuper- lativeLove to him, an ingenuous and grateful fear left we fhould offend Him, an ambition to pleafe Him in all things ; briefly, Univerfal Obedience to his Will;. as its moft natural and neceffary effe&. So -that in lay- ing - the punífhment on Chrift, under which Mankind mutt have funk for ever, there is nothing againft jufticeò 2. TheDeath of Chrift is the price which- redeems, us fromour woful Captivity. Mankind was fallen un- der the dominion of Satan and Death, and could not obtaina