210 ptinnottpof tbe Zíbíne záíríbuíco, Ch. XIII. obtain freedom by efcape, or meer power. For bythe v order of Divine Juftice we were detained Prifoners; So that till Cod the SupremeJudge is fatisfied, there can be no difcharge. Now the Lord Chrift hath pro- cured our deliverance byhis Death according to the te- `001.1. e 4. flimony of the Apoflle, .rve have Redemption throughhis Blood, even the forgivenefs offns. His Blood is con- gruoufly called a price, becaufe in confederation of it our Freedom is purchafed. He is our Redeemer by a Tïm.a. 6. Ranfom; He gave himfelfa Ranfom for all: and that lignifies the price paid for thefreeing ofa Captive. The word ufed by theApofile, árthurgov, hath a fpecial Em- phafis, it lignifies an exchange of conditions with us, the redeemingus fromDeath, by dying for us. As the ávif4uw °e, who devoted themfelves to Death, for the refcuing ofothers. Our Saviour toldhis Difciples that Mat. so. 2e. the Son of Man came togive his Life a ranfom for ma- AtjTe9V 44T' ny: äv7ì lignifies a commutation or exchange, with re- °m° fpeec of things, or perlons: Thus we are commanded Luke c 1.12. to render tononeEvilfor evil : And ifa sonask ofhis `vT`':xsúp- Father a Fifh, will he give him a serpent for a Fifh ? Qp,v. When 'tis ufed in refped ofperlons, it imports a fub- óévT fiitution in anothers place. Archelaras reigned inftead mat.' 7. a7 ofhis Father Herod: and Peter paid tribute for Chrift, that is, reprefenting Him. The effe& therefore of our Saviours words, that He gave his Life a Ranfome for many, is evidently this, that he dy'd in their Bead; and his Life as a price intervened to obtain their Rey demption. 'Tis for this Reafon the Glorified Saints fung a Hymn of praife to the Divine Lamb, Paying, aev. 5.9.. Thou art worthyfor thouwaftflain, andhaft redeemed us to God by thyBlood. This fingular and bleífèd effe t of Chrifis Death, diftinguifhes it from the Death of the moft Excellent Martyrs. If he had dyed only for theConfirmation of the Carpel, or to exhibit to us a Pattern