ft Cßritribiflg pato e`c :eamiption, 3 Pattern of Suffering Graces, what were there peculiar Ch. XIII and extraordinary in his Death? How can it be Paid that he was Crucified for us alone? For the Martyrs i cor. 1.1g. Sealed the Truth with their Blood, and left admi- rable Examples of Love to God, of Zeal for his Glo- ry, of patience underTorments, and ofCompaflìon to their Ferfecutors : yet it were intolerable Blafphemy to fay that they redeern'd us by their Death. And 'tis obfervable, when the Death of Chriff is propounded in. Scripture as a Pattern of Patience, 'tis with a fpecial Circumffance thatdiftinguifhes it from all others. chrijl filtered for us, leaving its an Example that we fhonld a Per.z.s9,74. followhisfleps .: who his own felf bare our Sins in his own Body on the Tree; by nvhofe flripes ye were healed. The truth is, if the fole end of Chrifts Death were to induce Men to believeHis Promiles, and to imitate His Graces, there had beenno fuch neceffity of it : for the Miracles he did, had been fufficient to confirm the Gofpel, yet Remiffìon of Sins is never attributed to them : and the miferies he Suffered during the courle of his Life, had been fufficient to inftrua. us how to behave our (elves under Indignities and Perfecutions : and at the bail hemight have given as full a Teftimony to the Truth of his Doifri.ne by his defcent from the Crofs as by dying for us. But no lower price than his, Blood could make Compenlation to the Law, and fatif- faftion toGod; and to deny this, is to Robhimof the Glory of his Death, and to deffroy all our Comfort. Tis objefted by tholewhonullifie theMyfteryof the Crofsof the Lord Jelus; How could God receive this, Price, fince hegave up his Son to that Deathwhich Re- deems us ? And how can our Redeemer, fuppofing him God, make fatisfa&ion to himfelf? To this I anfwer. J. The infinite Goodnefs of God in giving our Re- deemer, doth.not deveft him of the Office of Supreme Judge,