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inQCont tbíng 9/an'ß 3aeDemptïon. 33 as a Mediator, to reftore them to the Favour of the Ch. XIII. Prince. And by this he reconciles them to himfelf, and procures them Pardon of an Offence, by which bis own Majefty was violated. This he doth as Me- diator, not as a Party concern'd. Now this is a fit illuftration of the Great Wor-k of our Redemption, fo far as Humane things can reprefent Divine. For all the Perlons ofthe Glorious Trinity were equally pro. vok'd by our Sin ; and to obtain our Pardon theSon with the confent ofthe Father depofits his Intereft in- to his Hands, and as a Mediator intervenes between us and him, who in this Tranfaftion is the Depofitary ofthe Rights ofHeaven, and having performed what Juflice required, he reconciled theWorld toGod, that is, to the Father, Himfelfand the Eternal Spirit. In this Caufe his Perfon is the fame, but his Quality is different : he made Satisfa&ion as Mediator and re- ceiv'd it as God. 'Tis in this fenfe that the Apoflle faith, We have an Advocate with the Father, jefus Chrifl Joh. 2.2. the righteous: Not to exclude the other Perfons, but in regard the Father as the Firfi Perlon is theProte&or ofJuftice, our Mediator in appealing Himappeafes the other alto. 3. The Death ofChrift is reprefentedunder the no- tion ofa Sacrifice offer'd up to God. For the more full underftandingof this, we mutt confider that Sa- crifices were of two kinds. I. Somewere Euchariflical: They arecalledPeace- offerings, by which the Sacrificer acknowledged the Bounty of God, and his own unworthinefs, and rèn. dered Praife fbr a favour received, and defired the DivineBleiling. 2. Expiatory: The Sin -offerings for the averting of Gods wrath. The Inftitutionof them wasupon a double Reafon 5 s'ti H h i. That