234 9Z0e Otatuotirof Mt ZibinoAmmmi% . That Man is a finer, and therefore obnoxious to the jufc indignation and extreme difpleafure of the Holy and Righteous God. 2. That God was tube propitiated, that he might pardon them. ThefeTruths are engraven in the natural Confciences of Men, as ap- pears by the pretended Expiations of fin among the Heathens: But are more clearly reveal'd in the Scrip- Bel). 9. 22. lure. Under the Law without the eftton of Blood there was no Remiffion; To fignifie, that God would not forgive Sin without the atonement of Juffice, which required the Deathof the Offender; but it be- ing tempered with Mercy, accepted a Sacrifice in his ftead. And that there was a Subffitution of the Beau in the place of the guiltyOffender, appears by the Law concerningSacrifices. a. None were inftituted fox Ca- pital Offences , as Murder, Idolatry, Adultery, &c becaufe the Sinner himfelf was to becut off:. But for other Sins, which although in ffri&nefs they deferved Death, yet God whowas the King of Pfrael, was pleat ed to remit the Forfeiture, and to accept the life of theSacrifice for theLife ofthe Sinner. 2. The guilty Perfon was to offer a cleanBeaff of his own; to fignifie theSurrogation of it inhis ffead. For in the relation of a poffeffor he had a dominion over it, to apply it r& o. 29 IO. to that ufe. 3. The Prieff, or theperfon that offer'd, Lev. 1' 4' was to lay his hands on the head of the Sacrifice, there- by Confecrating it to God, and Devoting it in his Bead tobear the puniuhment. For this reafon 'twas cal- Dev.17:II' led a Sint, and a Curfe. q.. The Confeffion of Sin by the People, or the lrieff, as in the day of Atone- ment, fignified that the guilt of all met on the Sacrifice for. Expiation. 5. The Blood was to be flied wherein . thevital Spirits are, an exprefs reprefentationwhat the Sinner deferved : , and that it was accepted for hisLife... 6 Lafily, Thedeprecatiæt3of God'sAnger was joyned. with