inConíttl)tng 9l,an' Uetiempt1ortn 237 buted tohim in a fublimer and moll perfeéimanner. He Ch. XIII. is called a Lamb in the notionof a Sacrifice, The Lamb j ç-N.,) (lain from the foundation of the world. A Lamb was Rev. 13. s. ufed in the Expiation of moral and legal Impurities. &r.5í 6. He is called our Pafover that was facrificed for to. The Pafchal Lamb in its firft Infütutton had an expi- Evo. 12, 13. atory efficacy, for God by looking on that Blood, aver- ted the defiru&ion from the ifraelites, which feized on the Egyptians. This was the reafnn of the Prohi- bition, that none (hould go out of the houle till the Morning, left they fhould be ftruck by the deflroying Angel : Not but that the Angel could difiingui(h the Ifraelites from the Egyptians abroad, but 'twas ty- pical , to (hew their fecurity was in being under the guard of the Lambs Blood, which was fhed to (pare theirs. Thus the Apofile Peter tells us, We are re- I Pcc. deemed by the Blood of the pure andperfect Lamb. And he was reprefented by the red Heifer, whole allies were the chief ingredient in the water of Purification. For iftheBlood of Bulls and Goats, and the allies ofHeb.9.13,r4 anHeifer f rin jing the unclean, fanctifieth to the purify- ing ofthe Flefh, How much morefhall the Blood ofChrift purge the Confcience? EfpecialIy the Anniverfary Sa- crifice, which was the Abridgment and Recapitulation of all the refs, had an eminent refpe& to Chrifi: The whole Epifile to theHebrews is tin&ured with this Di- vine Do&rive. Secondly, The Effe&s of ChrifisDeath are infinitely more excellent than thofe that proceeded fromLevitical Sacrifices. The Law hadafhadow ofgood things to come; neb: To. g; But the real Virtue andEfficacy is only found in Chrift. L. The Averfion of Gods Wrath is afcribed to his Death; according to the Words of the Apofile: Whom God bath fetforth to be a Propitiation through Rom.; 25-,26-. Faith in. his Blood, to declare his- Righteoufnefs for the Remiffion