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R,S eMr111011p o_ f t o zí1 ïne 2Ittributc0, Ch. XIII. Rersaiffion ofSins that are pall, through the forbearance m-j ofGod, to declare, I fay, at this time his Righteoufnefs, ueb, 5, 5, that he might be jufi, and the juflifer ofhim that be- lieved in Jeffs. A Propitiation ixaswetor, The Title of the Mercy-Seat, partly in regard it cover'd the Tables of the Law which were broke by us, to fignifie that by Him Pardon is procur'd for us, and principally be- caufe God was rendred Propitious by the fprinkling the Blood of the Sacrifice on it, and exhibited him- felf there, as on a Throne of Grace, favourable to his people. For this Reafon he gives the name of the Figureto Chrili, for he alone anfwers the Charge of the Law, and interpoles between Jufiice and our Guilt, and by his own Blood hash reconciledGod to us. Now the defign of God in this appointment was to declare his Righteoufnefs, that is, that Glorious Attribute that inclines him to punifh Sinners: For in the Legal Propitiations, although the guilt of Men was publickly declared in the Death of the Sacrifices, yet the Juftice of God did not fully appear, fince he accepted the Life of a Beall in Compenfation for the Life ofa Man : but in the Death of Chrift he hath given the moil clear Demonftration of his Juffice, a fufficient Example of his Hatred to Sin, Condemn- ing and punifhing it in the Perlon of his beloved Son 5 that the whole World may acknowledge 'twas not from any Inadvertency, but meetly by the Dif- penfation of his Wifdom and Goodnefs that he for- bore fo long. And by the Death of Chrift he bath de- clared that Glorious Myftery which no created Un- derftanding could ever have conceived, that he is in- flexibly juft, and willnotfuffer Sin to pats unpunifh'd, and that he juftifies thole who are guilty in them- felves, ifby a purifying Faith they receive Chrift for Pardon. The fame Apof}le tells us, that Chrift hath given