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in onftibbng its '; btinptíoit: 2-39 given himfif for us, * an Offering and a Sacrifice to Ch. xiii. God for a fweet fuelling favour, Eph. 5. 2. He is qualified as a Prief}, whole Office it was to prefent to * ne,9m6,d, . God an offering for Appealing his Anger Ire gave ö°oxr all"f himfelf ; the Oblation that is added to his Death, orf r;ra an fin. gives the compleat Formality of a Sacrifice to it; for offering ;f.i;P 'tis the Frieff gives being to the Sacrifice : and the ef- rr E °déT } fea of it is, to be a fweet finelling favour to God, CI,! that is, to conciliate his Favour to us. The lime "PF' "f" ca'd, phrafe is applyed to the Sin -Offering under the Law. sib `lÏJ; `r'e We may obferve that upon this account our Recon- depend on his ciliation to God is attributed to the Death of Chrili, G "enN 8, ,o, in dif}infion from his Glorified Life : For if when we Esod. 29. were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death Lev, r. t °. of his Son, much more being reconciled, we fhall be fa- Rom. 5 fo. ved by his Life. And the fame Apoftle tells us, that God was in Chris` reconciling the world to himfelf, 2 Col.. 5, tá,. not imputing their trefpaffes unto them; we pray you therefore in Chrifls (lead, be reconciled to God. A double Reconciliation is mentioned, that of God to Men, and of Men to God : the firft is the ground of the Apoftle's exhortation, the latter the effecf of it. The firft was obtained by the Death of Chrifl', who by imputation had our guilt transferred upon Him, and confequently our puntíhment, and in confideration of it, God who is Juft and Holy is willing to pardon penitent Believers. The latter is by the powerful working of the Spirit, who affures Men that are guil- ty, and therefore fiifpicious and fearful of God's anger, that he ismolt willing topardon them upon their repen- tance, fincehe hath in filch an admirablemannerfound out the means to fatisfie.his Julfice, 2. The true expiation of fin is the effhh of Chrifts Death. He is called the Lamb ofGod, that takes away the fns of the world. Now 1m may be taken away in r 1 °îr7 ` ;.- two manners. Firfl,.