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24° Wit$1Uim01WpOf Me tttttbutt , C-h. XIII. Firfi , y removing its guilt , and exempting the Perfon that committed it fromDeath and when this is effected by enduringthe punifhment that was due to fin, 'tis properly expiation. secondly, By healing the corrupt inclinations of the Heart , from whence actual fins proceed. 'Tis true, our Redeemer takes away fin in both thefe refpe&s: he delivers from the Damnation and Dominion of x for. ,. 30. it : for he is made of God our Righteoufnefr and San- elification. But the firm fenfe is only convenient here : for 'tis evident that the Lamb took away fin, that is, the guilt of it, by dying inftead of the firmer, and had no effe& for the deftroying the malignant habits of fin in the perfon who offered it. And 'tis more apparent, that this Divine Lambhath takenaway Pet. 2. 24. the guilt of our fins, in that He bore them in his own itrQtio. Body on the Tree. For the native force ofthe word lignifies, not only to takeaway, but to carry and bear, which applyed to fin is nothing elfe but to fuffer the penalty of it. And 'tis to be obferved, when Clean- ling, Purifying, and Wafhing are attributed to the Blood of Chrift, they have an immediate refpe& to the guilt of fin, and declare its efficacy to take off the ob- ligation to punifhment. Thus 'fis faid that His Blood Job. I. 7. cleanfeth from allfin : and that it purgeth the Confi- Heb.9. 4. encefrom dead works; and that we are wafhtfrom our Rt °' '' 6' fins in His Blood. The frequent Sprinklings and Pu- rifications with Water under the Law, prefigured our cleanfing from the defilements of fin by the Grace of the Spirit; 'but the fhedding of the Blood of Sa- crifices was topurge away fins fo far as they made liable to a Curfe. Thirdly, Our exemption from punifhment, and our reftoration to Communion with God in Grace and Glory is the fruit of his expiating fin. For this reafon the