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ftt Coní1bing '01r an' Iebempt ou. 243 faCtion ofChrift toJuftice, both the freenefs and great- Ch. XIIf. nefs of God's Love in pardoning fanners, will be much L.,"tir..i leffen'd. But it will appear that the Divine Mercy is not prejudiced in either of thofe refpeCts. Firfi, The freenefs of Gods Love is not diminifhed, for that is the original mover in our Salvation, and pathno caufe above it, toexcite or draw it forth, but meerly arifes from his own will. This Love is fo abfo- lute that it hath no refpeC to the fufferings of Chrift as Mediator : for God fo loved the World, that hegave R°m 9. 18' his son to die for us; and that which is the effeC and teftimony of his Love, cannot be the impulfive caufe of it. This firít Love of God to Man is commended to us in Chrift, who is the medium to bring it hono- rably about. secondly , Grace in Scripture is never oppofed to Chrifts Merits, but to ours. If we had made Satis- faCion, Juftice it felf had abfolved us. For the Law having two parts, the command of our Duty which confifts in a moral good, and the fanétion of the pu- niftiment that is a phyfical evil; to do, or to fuffer is neceßâry, not both : or, ifwe had provided a Surety, fuch as the Judge could not reje6t, we had been infi- nitely obliged to him,butnot to the favour ofthe Judge. But 'tis otherwife here. God fent the Re- conciler when we were enemies, and the cuméafCgsfaftion n quæn,tt Pardon that is difpenc'd to us upon the ac- bere admitting cum poffet count of his Sufferings, is the effe& of repudiari, & ad quam is qua beneficio afñcitur nihil ipfe meer Mercy. We are juflifr'ed freely byhis contulit, quorum utrurnque Grace, through the Redemption that is in accidit in Chrifi pro nobis /efus Chrifl. 'Tis pure Love that appoin- ratisfaft;one. Gror. ted and accepted, that imputes and applies his Righ- teoufnefs to us: And as the Freenefs, fo the Riches of his Mercy is not leffened by the Satisfaction Chrift made for us. I i 2 'Tis