*44 5:4¢ parmonvOï tide tDt1iíne (ttrtbttt¢ß, C 'Tis true we havea pattern of God's Juftice, never to be parallel'd, in the Death of Chrift : but to the fe- verity of Juftice towards his only beloved Son, his clemency towards us guilty Rebels is fully commenfu- rate. For He pardons us without the expence of one drop of our Blood , though the Soul of Chrift was poured forth as an Offering for Sin. Nay hereby the Divine Clemency is more commended, than byanabfo- lute forgiveneCs offin without refpe& to fatisfaftion.For the honour of God being concern'd in the punifhment of Sin, that man might not continue under a fad obli- gation it, he was pleafed by the aftonithing wonder of his Sons death to vindicate his Glory, that repen- ting believers may be juftified before him. Thus in an admirable manner He fatisfies Juftice, andex- alts Mercy : and this could have been no other way effected : for if He had by meer Sovereignty diffolved our guilt, and by his Spirit renewed, his Image in us, his Love had Eminently appear'd, buthis Juftice had not been Glorified. But in our Redemption they are both infinitely magnified ; His Love could give no more than the Life of His Son, and Juftice required no lets : for Death being the wages ofsin, therecould be no fatisfaetion without theDeath of our Redeemer. CHAP.