n tOe Contríbanee of acU tleòernption 249 Chap. 14. CHAP. XIV. The Compleatnefs of Chrift's Satisfaction provedfrom the Gaules and Effects of it. The Caufes are the 2uality of his Perlon, and Degreesofhis Sufferings. The Efteds are His Refurreciion, Afcenfon, interce '- on at God's right hand, and his exercifing the Supreme Power in Heaven andEarth. The excellent Benefits whichGodreconciledbellows on Men, are the Effects and Evidences ofhis compleat Satisfaction. They are Pardon ofSin, Grace, and Glory. That Repentance and Faith are required, inorder to thepartaking of the Benefits purchafed by Chrift's Death, clothnot leffen the Merit ofhis Sufferings. That Af/liCtionsand Deathare inflicted on Believers, cloth not derogatefrom their All fufficiency. THe Third thing tobe confidered is theCompleatnefs of the Satisfaction that Chrift hath made, by which it will appear that God'sJuflice as well as Mer- cy is fully glorified in his Sufferings. For the proofof this I will i rff confider the Caufes from whence the compleatnefs of his Satisfaction arifes. Secondly, The Effec`s that proceed from ir, which are convincing Evidences that God is fully appeas'd. The Caufes of his compleat Satisfaction are two. %. The Quality ofhis Perfon derives an Infiniteva- lue tohis obedient Sufferings. Our Surety was equal- lyGod, and as truely Infinite in his Perfections as the Father, who was provokedby our Sins, therefore he was able to make Satisfaction for them. He is the Son of God not meetly in Vertue ofhis Office, or the fpecial K k Favour 1