20 37.,be Parmonv of ttje Zibúle tttrctiutt , Chap. 11. CHAP.II. Man's Naturalfiat was mutable. The Devil, moved by hatred andenvy, attempts to feduce him. The Tem- ptation wasfuitable to Mans compounded Nature. The Woman beingdeceived, perfwades her Husband. The quality of the firfr Sin. Many were combin'd in it. 'Twas perfealy voluntary. Manhad Power to ffand. The Devil could only allure, not compel him, His Vnderflanding and Will the califes of his Fall. The punifhment was of the fame date with his Sin. He forfeited his Righteoufnefs and Felicity. The loft of original Righteoufnefs, as it lignifies the purity and liberty of the Soul. The torment of Confcience that was confequent to Sin. A whole Army ofEvils enter with it into the World. AAAN was created perfealy holy, but in a natu- ral, therefore mutable frate. He was invefred with power to prevent his Falling; yet under a pof fibility of it. He was compleat in his own order, but receptive of finful imprefíìons. An invincible Perfe- verance in Holinefs belongs to a fupernatural frate;. 'tis the priviledge of Grace, and exceeds the defign of the firfl Creation. The rebellious Spirits, who by a furious ambition had railed a war in Heaven, and were fallen from their obedience and glory, defigned to corrupt Man, and to make him a companion with them in their re- volt. The moil fubtile amongft them fats about this work, urgedby two thong paffìons, Hatredand Envy. r. By Hatred. For being under a final and irrevo- cable Doom, he lookt on God as an irreconcileable Enemy : And not being able to injure his Effence, he. firuck