442 5:tepannartpof meZíñine2iíírgbut¢o, Chaff of their bCd bor. ThusSin enter'd ndbrought con- fufion into the World. For the moral Harmony of the World confifting in the juft fubordination of the leveral ranks of beings to one another, and of all to God ; When Man who was placed next to God, broke the Union, his Fall brought a defperate diforder into God'sGovernment. And though the matter of the Offence feems fmalI, yet the Difobedience was infinitely great; it being the tranfgreffion of that command, which was given to be the inflance and real proof of Mans fubje&ion to 2caul, God. Totam legem violavit in illo legalis obedientice precepto. The Honour and Majefly of the whole Law was violated in the breach of that fymbolicalPrecept. 'Twas a dire& andformal Rebellion, a publick renun- ciation ofObedience, an univerfal Apoftafie fromGod, and change ofthe laft End, that extinguifht the habit of original righteoufnefs. Many Sins were combin'd in that tingle a&. t. Infidelity: This was the firfl flep to ruine. It appears by the order of the Temptation : 'twas firfl faid by the Devil Te fhall not die, to weaken their Faith ; then re (hall be like gods, to flatter their ámbi- tion. The fear of Death would have controuled the efficacy of all his Arguments; till that reflraint was broke, he could faflen nothing upon them. This ac- a Tim 2.14. count the Apoflle gives of the Fall; The woman being deceiv'd, was in the tranfgrefon. As Obedience is the effe&of Faith, fo Difobedienceof Infidelity : And as Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, fo Infi- delity by liflening to the words of the Devil. From the deception of the Mind proceeded the depravation of the Will, the intemperance of the Appetite, and the defection of the whole Man. Thus as the natu- ral,