4 0eDamon') time Zíbmne2fttributeZ, Chap. II. forgetful of his Original, fhould ufurp thePrercgatives Li^vN.) which are effential to the Deity, and fet up himfelf a real Idol, was a ftrain of that arrogancy which corrup- ted the Angels. 3. Horrid Ingratitude. He was appointed Heir ap- Præceprum de parent of all things ; yet undervaluing his prefent por- uno cibi gene- tiOn, he entertains a propel of improving his Happi- re non eden- nefs. The excellent 'late newly conferr'd upon him do ubi aliorum tanta copia was a ftrong obligation to pay fo fmall an acknow- íubjacebar,ram ledgment to his Lord. The ufe ofall the Garden was ,:aw ad obrer- allowed to him, only a Tree excepted. Now in the vanum, tam breve adme mldfl of fuch varietyand plenty, to be ínflam'd with morif retinen- the intemperate appetite of the forbidden Fruit, and Aura, ubi præ- P PP ertim no to break a Command fo equal and eafie, what was it dum voluntati but a defpifing the rich Goodnefs of his great Bene- cupiditas re- íifìebar,tanto faalor? Befides, Man was endued with a diviner Spirit majori injufti- than the inferiour order of Creatures : Reafon and of violatum eft, qun N. Liberty were the fpecial priviledges of his Nature, ciliori pofTet and to abufe them to Rebellion renders him as more obfervantif unreafonable, fo more difingenuous than theCreatures caftodiri. Ang. de civic. below him, who inflexibly obey the Will of God. Del lib, 14. v,.. The vifible Contempt of God's Majefty, with a fighting his Juftice. For the Prohibition was fo exprefs and terrible, that till he had caft off all refpeas to the Law-giver, 'twas not poffible he fhould venture to dif- obey him. The Sin of Adam is therefore called by Rom. 5.14. the Apoftle, Difobedience, as eminently fuck ; it be- ing the firfi and higheft inftance of it, and virtually a breach of all theLaws at once in that contempt of the Law giver. 'Twas the prophanation ofParadife it felf, the place of God's fpecial prefence : There he fell, and trampled on God's Command before his face. What juft caufe of afionifhment is it, that a reafonable Creature fhouldbid openDefiance to the Author of its Life ! That a little breathing duff fhould contemn its Crea-