Bates - BT775 B274 1675

:4.0 zpit pannottp of ttje Zibíne 2ittatite,1 Chap. a t . Doctrine of yefus Chrijt, is a ftrong Demonftration that tzvm they believed it to be true and of infinitemoment, moft worthy ofall the dangers to which theyvoluntarily ex- pofed themfelves. Never did Ambition or Avarice,the molt active Paffions,caufe men to be more diligent, than they were to communicate the Knowledg ofour Savi- our to all Nations. Now what greater affurance can we poffibly receive that they were fincere in their Re- porte Secondly, The nature of theTeflimony makes it very credible. z.. It was of a matter ofFait. Ifit had been forre high Speculation of univerfal Things abftracted from Matter, and above the cognizance of the Senfes, there might beforce pretence to object, That the Difciples unexercifed in Sciences, were deceived by the Subtlety of their Matter : But'tis a fingular Thingof which the Senfes are the molt faithful Informers, and competent judges. 2. It was an ocular Teftimony, which as it makes the ftrongeft impreffion upon the Spectator, fo upon the ' J°h. x I' Beliefofothers. Thus St. Sohn, That whichwehavefees with our eyes, which we have looked on, declare we unto you. And that theywere notdeceived we have great cer- tainty ; For Jefus had converfed a long time with them before hisDeath, and theirRefpeét and Love toHim, and after, their Compafïion had deeply engraved the lineaments of his Vifage in their memories; andHepre- fented himfelfnot many years, but three days after his abfence, fo that it was impofftble they fhould have for- got his Countenance. He appeared to them not once or twice, but many times, and not fuddenly as a #lath ofLightning that prefently vanifheth, but converft with them familiarly forforty days. And 'tis obfervable,the rfpoflles themfelves were not eafily wrought onto be- t lieve