Bates - BT775 B274 1675

442 %e 1 t tnOnÿ of Mt ZíbínîeZartbute. Chap. 2.2 deceive it felf,might ob ed that it was only the effe& of .a diftempered fancy,andno real objet ofSenfe.But after He had íhewn Himfelf to force of the Difciples apart, and that holy Company was met together, uniting the feveral fparks, to encourage their hopes ofhis Refurre- dion, He came to them all together, and for many days converfed with them. Nowwho can believe that fo many thould be obftruEted with Melancholy for fo long time, fo as conftantly to remain under the power of a Delufion Befides, He afterwards appeared to five hundredat once : and how could fuch a number of dif- ferent Ages, Sexes,Temperamentsbe at the fame time firuck with the fame Imagination Add further, If a ftrong Imagination had deceived them by Melancholy, therewould have been force difco- veries of that Humour in their Ations. For 'tis im- poffible that the Mind fo indifpofed, fhould for a long time ad regularly. But in the whole courfe oftheir Lives not the leaft extravagancy appears. Their Zeal was tempered with Prudence, their Innocence was without Folly, their Converfation was becoming their great Office. Andof this we have unqueftionable Evi- dence : For otherwife fo many Perlons of. excellent Wifdom had never been perfwaded by them to embrace -Chr unity ; neither had their Enemies fo furioufly per- fecuted them : For 'tis beyondbelief that they had fo far extinguifhed the Sentiments of Humanity, as to treat the Apofiles as the molt guilty Criminals, whom they knew tobediftrated,and therefore worthy ofCorn- paffion rather than Hatred. But if it be objected, that it might be a Phantafm, or folid Body formed according to the Likenefs of Chrifé, that abufed theApoftles, and afterforce time withdrew it fell ; The vanity of the Objection is very apparent For fuch an effect could not be without theoperation of a