444 1: t 1 anrrionpof tje Zíbíne2ftttíbutc,v Chap. a If it be the diaate ofnatural Reafon, that the concur- rent Tenimony of two or three credible Perfons, not weaken'd by any exception, is fufficient to decide any Caufe of the greaten moment, that refpets Life, Ho- nour and Eftate, howmuch more should the atteftation ofth'e/poflles put this great Truth beyond all doubt, fince they parted with their Lives, the molt precious pof%íiion in this World, for it? and which is infinite- lymore, if Deceivers, they would certainly bedepriv- ed ofEternal Life in thenext. In fhort, Since the Cre- ation never was a Tertimony fo clear and authentick, the Divine Providence fo ordering the circumftances, that the Evidence fhould be above all Sufpicion. Nei- ther did it ever happen, that any thing affirm'd by fo many and fuch worthy perfons, was ever fufpeéed, much lefs found to be falfe. 'Tis the moil unreafo- nableMifnefs not to yieldan intire Affent to it. For there would be no fecure Foundation of determining innumerable weighty Cafes, if we fhould doubt of things reported by the moil credible circumfpet Per- fons, fince we can be certified by our own Senfes but of a few Objects. I (hall only add , That the Apoflles did many and great Miracles in the Name of Chrift, which was the Ilrongendemonrtration that He was rais'd to a glorious Life. They were inverted by theSpirit with the habits of various Tongues. This kindof Miracle was necef- fary for the univerfal Preaching of the Gofpel: For how difficult and obfrut.ive had it been to their Work, if they mutt have return'd to their Infant -fate, to learn the fignification of forreign Languages, to pronounce thewords in their original Sound, and the Accents pro- per to their Country Therefore the Holy, Spirit, ac- cording to thepromife ofChrift, defcended upon them, and became their Mailer, and in a moment hnpren on their