tocontrtbtng an'o3acDetnptton; 445 their Memories the forms of difcourfing, and on their Chap. 2 a. Tongues the manner of expreffing them. Where-ever the Doótrine ofJefus was preach d, Godbare them wit- Heb. 1.4. nefs both with Signs and Wonders, and with divers Mi- racles and Gifts of theHoly Ghofl, according to his own will. When Sr. Peter pafs'd through the fireets, fill'dwith perfons difeafed and halfe dead, he caufed an uni- verfalRefurre&ion by touching them with his reviving fhadow. They tamed Serpents, and quencht the ma- lignity of their Poifon ; they commanded Death to leave its prey,andLife to return to its manfion that was nothabitable for it. And that miraculous Power con- tinued in their Succeffours fo long as was requifite for the convi&ion ofthe World. yriiiin Martyr, Irenaus, Tertullian, Origen, Cyprian, mention divers Miracles perform'd by Chriftians in thofe times. Tertullian of- fers to the Emperour, towhom he addreft his admirable, 'Apology, to compel the Devils that poffeftHrsmane Bo- dies to confefs themfelves tobe evil Spirits,and thereby confirain the Prince of darknefs to enlightenhis own Slaves. AndCyprian affures the Governour of Africa that he would force theDevils to come out oftheBodies they tormented,lamentingtheir ejeétion. Nowwe can- not imagine they would fo far difcredit their Dot-trine and Reputation, as to pretend to fuch a Power without they had ir. In fhort, To deny the Miracles wrought by thePrimitive Chriftians, were as great rafhnefs, as to deny that Cæfkr conquer'd Pompey, or that Titus fucceeded hefpafian. For we have the concurrent Te- ftimony of the graveft andbelt Men, of Underftanding and Confcience, who were Eye-witneffes, and which was not contradicted by thofe of the fame Age. Brief- ly, There are fuch clear characters ofthe Divine Hand to render the Gofpel authentick,thatto deny it to be true, is to make God a lyar The