4476 VieparntonpofMe Zíbíne Ifttvíbttttg Chap. a z. The Conchafion is this, We fee how reafonable it is to give an ,entire affent to the truth ofChrifianity. The Nature oftheDodrine that is perfectly Divine,declares its Original.'Tis confirmed by Supernatural Teftimoni- es.The Dodrinediftinguithes the Miracles from all falfe wonders,the illuliions ofSatan,and theMiracles confirm the Dodrine. What doubt can there be after the full depofitionof the Spirit in railing Chrift from the Grave; in qualifying theApJlles, who were rude and ignorant, with Knowledg, Zeal, Courage, Charity,and all Graces requili,-e for their great enterprife, and in converting the Worldby their Miniftry and Miracles If we be- lieve not foclear a Revelation, our Infidelity is defpe- rate. When our Saviour was upon the Earth, the Meannefs and Poverty of Ms appearance leffened their Crime, who dick notacknowledg and honour him in the difguife ofa Servant: Therefore they were capable of favour. Manyofhis bloody Perfecutors were conver- ted and faved by the PreachingoftheApoflles. But fince the Holy Ghoft hath convinced the World by fo firong a Light of Sin, Righteoufnefs and Judgment; viz. That lefus whom theyews molt unworthily Crucified . was the Son of God, that in dying He purchafed the Pardon ofSin ; fince He is rifen and received to Glory, 3'hat all over in Heaven andEarth isgiven to Him, the . effect ofwhich is molt vifible; For fpiritual Wicked- neffes trembledat his Name, wereexpelled from their. Dominions, and fent to their old Prifon to fuller the Chains and Flames due to them : To refufe his Tefti mony, is a. degree of Obftinacynot far diflant from the Malice ofthe Devils,, andputs Men without the re- ferves ofpardoningMercy. And 'tis not a flight, fu- perficial Beliefofthis great Truth that is fufictent, but- that which is powerful in making us univerfally ohedi®. cent. to our Glorified. Redeemer, who will diffribute Crowns