íit Contrtbíng ebeinptíou, 447 Crowns to all his faithful Servants. We cannot true- Chap. 22. ly believe his Refurre Lion, without believing his Do- etrine, nor believe his Dotrine without unfeigned Delires after the eternal Felicity itpromifes, nor de- fire that Felicity without a fincere compliance to his Commands in order to the obtaining it. Ira fhort, 'Tis Infidelity approaching Madnefs, not tobelieve the Truth of the Gofpel ; but 'tis Madnefs of an higher kind andmore prodigious, topretend to believe it, and yet to live indifobedience to its Precepts, in contempt of its Promifes and Threatnings, as ifit were a weer Fable. CHAP;