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44S "3:Pe oatrrtian.pof Me Zíbíne 2Ittríbutez Chap. 23. CHAP. XXIII-. The Honour ofGods Truthwith refpecl to theLegal Threat- fling, wasprefervedin the Death ofChrfi. The Di_. vine Truth with refpect to the Promifes and Types of Chrift under the Law, wasjufiified inhis Coming, and theaccomplifhment ofour Redemption by him. Some fie- cial Preditions confidered that refpeU the time ofhis Coming. Theparticular Circumflances that refpeti the Mcfliah are verified in Jefus Chrift. The Conlèquents ofthe Mefíiah's Coming,foretoldby theProphets, are all come tamp. TheTypes ofthe Law are compleated Chrill. A particular Confideration of Manna, the Rock, andthe brazen Serpent, as they referred tohim. The Pafclial Lambconfidered. A'hart Parallel between Melchifedecand-Chrift. The Divinity ofthe Gofpela proved by comparing the ancient Figures with thepre- fent Truth,andPrediclions with the _Events. TheHap- pinefsofChriflians above the Jews,in the clear revela- tionofour Saviour to them. From the accomplifhment. ofProphecies concerning the firft Coming of Chrifl, our Faithfhould be confirmedin thePromifesofhis fecond, HeOriginal. Lawgiven to Man in Paradifehad a fe. vere Penalty annext, that upon thefr. . breachof it he should die. The end of the Threatning was to pre-. ferve inhim a conftant reverence ofthe Command. AI ter his Difobedience, the honour of the DivineTruth was concerned as to the infliéing thepunifbment. For although the Supreme Lawgiver hath power over the Law to relax the Punilhment as to particular perfons; yet having declared that, according to that Rule He would