Bates - BT775 B274 1675

inContiíbíng 00an'O .ebcrnptton; 449 would proceed in judgment with Man, the Perfection ofChap his Truth required, that Sin fhould be punifhed in fuck a manner,that hisRighteoufnefs andHolinefs might emi- nently appear,and the reafonableCreature for ever fear tooffendHim. Now theGodofTruth hath by theDeath ofhis only Son fo compleatly anfwered the Ends ofthe legal Threatning, that the glory of that Attribute is broke forth like the Sun through all the Clouds that feemed to obfcure it. Mercy and Truth meet together, Righteoufnefs and .Peace kifs each other. Of this I have fo largely treated before, that I ¡hall add nothing more concerning it. There is a Secondary refped wherein the truth ofGod is concerned, as to the accomplifhing our Redemption by Jefus Chrifl, which I will briefly explicate. God having decreed the fending of his Son in the quality of Mediator to purchafe our Salvation, was pleafedby feveral Promifes to declare his merciful purpofe,andby variousTypes to thew the defign of that glorious Work,before the exhibitionof it. This was the effeó of his Supreme Wifdomand Goodnefs : Fir/t, To comply with the weaknefsof the Church, when 'twas newly feparated from the World. For as a fudden flrong Light overpowersthe Eye that bath been long in the dark, fo the full bright Revelation of the Gofpel had been above the capacity of the Church, when 'twas firfl freed from a Rate of Ignorance : Light mixt with Shadows was proportionable to their Sight. Therefore he was pleafed by feveral Reprefentations and Prediáions to exercife the Faith, entertain the Hope, and excite the Defires ofhis People before the accomplifhment ofour Salvation by his Son. Secondly, To render the belief ofit eafie and certain afterwards. Now for the honour of his Truth he was engaged to make good his word : For although pure Love and Mercy is the Original of all Gods Promifes to Mmin Man,