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450 De Datnionpof tie Zsibitte2ftttibtnteß Chap a Man, yet his Truth and Fidelity are the reafons ofhis fulfilling them. Not that God is under the obligation ofa Law, but his own Righteous Nature is the in. violable Rule of his aIions.. Accordingly the Apoflle Tit. I. ze lays it as the foundation ofour Hopes; That God who cannot lie hath promifedeternal Life. The Divine De- cree alone concerning our Salvation by Chrift, is a lure Foundation : For God is as unchangeable inhis Will as Ia' '17' his Nature. In Him there is no variablenefs, nor fhadow ofturning. But the Promife determines the Will of God to perform it upon another account : For 'cis not Engle Incontlancy but Falihoed, not to perform what is promifed, from both which He is infinitely di- flant. St. Paul alledges this for the reafon why the Covenant of Grace is unchangeable and of everlafting Efficacy, in that the counfel of Godwas by his Promife andOath confirmed, That by two immutable things, in £'. 6` 17 "$j which it was impoffiblefor God to lye,we might have firong confolation. For thePromife gives arightful claim to the Creature, and the fulfillingof it is the juftificaation Soh. z. 17. ofGod's Fidelity. In this Sence 'tis Paid, The Law wasgiven by Mofes, but Grace and Truth came by Jefoea Chrifl, i. e. theGrace ofthe Gofpel is the fubffantial and compleat accomplifhment ofthe Types and Promi- fes under the Law. I will not enter intothe difcuffion of all the Prophecies concerning the 1Vlefah in the Old Tellament, to flew how they are verified inJefusChrift ; But briefly confider fome fpecial Preditions - that con- cern the time of the Mefah's Coming, his Perfon andOffices. cm, 49 I s The Prophecyofdying Jacob. The Scepter/hall not departfromJudah, nor: a Lawgiver from betweenhis . feet, till Shiloh come. By the Scepter and. Lawgiver are meant divers Forms ofGovernment : the firft being the mark ofRegal Power, the other title refpets thoíè whole