45, r.,0e Dantionpof Me Zíhutte2Att fättee, Chap. zz. Edomite fate on the Throne; and as the Tribe offu- t, dab in general, fo the Family of David in particular was in fuch a low ftate, that f ofeph and Mary that were defcended from him, were conftrain'd to lods in a {}able at Bethlehem. And Pince the bleffed Peace- maker hath appear'd on the Earth, the . erns have loft all Authority : their Civil and Ecclefiaflical State is utterly ruin'd, and they bear the vifible marks of infa- mous Servitude. z. The Second famous Predi lion is by an Angel to Dan, s zs. Daniel, when he was lamenting the ruineof yerufalem, who comforted him with an affurance that the City fhould be rebuilt : And further told him, That from the Numerus ifie goingforth of the Commandment to refiore and to build prxter allufio- Jerufalem,unto theMeffiah thePrince (hallbe(evenweeks, nem ad 7o. an- nos capti,ita- and threefcore and two weeks theftreets¡hall bebuilt again, tis, non fine and the wall even in troublefome times. And intra after three^ fe occulter & fcare and two weeksfhall the Meffiah be cut off, but notfor fen,Jas, & an- himfelf,and the Peopleofthe Prince that(hall come 'hallde= nos ubileos prccife exhau_Elroy theCity andSanoivary,and the end thereoffhallhe with slat 7o mint afoad,and to the end ofthe war defolations are determined. Hebdomade font tondent The clear intent of the Angels Meffage is, That within ibmitx, & de- the fpace offevent P heticalWeeks (that isfour hun- nos continent i ro l' Juhiixos. Jam dred&ninetyyears according to theExpofitionoftheRab- cit'ta annus bins themfelves) after the iffuing forth the order for the Sabbatarius ci aab,t,as rebuilding Terufalem, the Meiliah fhould come, and be infa,liuiles put to Death for the fins ofMen, which was exac`ily funs charafic- esChronulo- fulrîl'd.. gix factx, ex its certa poteft pers ratio connedìendi 70. Hebdomadas cum annis Mundi. Fìiit cuim'aunus fecundes Dari; Sabbatarius & Jubilxus : Rurfus annusprecedens excidium H:erofolymorum& ipfe Sabbatarius fuit & Jubilxus pofiremus ; inner quos veldt terminus 7o Hebdomadx de- current. Vid. HeiSic. Danrrib. de Hebdorn. Daniel. 3. The time of the tnanifeftation of the Mèah is evidently fet down in Haggai z. 6, 7, 8, 9, I will 'hake all Rations,,and the delre of all. Nations (hall come, and