in Vr®b6Lr3b38m .+a?-mi86ptiob66 45'3 modI will fill this houfé with Glory,faith the Lord ofbolls. Chap aa. The Silver is mine and the Gold is mine, faith the Lord of L.,-;k4, Hofs. The Gloryof the latter fhall he greater than that ofthe former,faith the Lord of Hofls, and in this place will !give peace.The Prophet to encourage the Jews in building the Temple affur'd them that it fhould have a furpailing Glory by the prefence of the Me ah, who is call'd theDefire of all Nations; and being the Prince of Peace his coming is defcribed by that bleffed effe&, And in this place will I give Peace, faith the Lord of Hof s. The fecond Temple was much inferiour to Solomon as in Magnificence andexternal Ornaments, fö efpecial- ly becaufe defective in thofe Excellencies that were peculiar to the firft. They were the Arkof theCove- nant, and the appearance ofGlory between the Cheru- bims, the fire fromHeavento confume the Sacrifices, the Urim and T'hummi:n, and the Holy Ghoft who in- fpir'd the Prophets. But when the Lord came to his Tem- ple, and perform'd many of his Miracles there, this brought a Glory to it infinitely exceeding that ofthe former. For what comparifon is there between the fhadowy prefence ofGod between the Cherubims, and his real prefence in the humane Nature of Chrift, in whom the fulnefs of the God-head dwelt bodily ? How much inferiour were the Priefts and Prophets to him, who came from Heaven, and had the Spirit without meafure, to reveal the Counfel of God for the. Salvation of the World e 2. The particularCircumflances foretold concerning Eray 4á the Melia!), are all verified in Jefus Chrift. It was Mal. 3.. i,7 foretold that the Me iah fhould have a forerunner to . $4` ,f ) Straam. in. 7. prepare his way bypreaching the Dot` rine of Repen- Pat Ix. 96 x tance ; that he fhould be born of a Virgin, and of the -r Family of Davidand in theTown of Bethlehem; that he Ira. 9. I. fhould tech. 9.