454 4t Parntottpof t!je ibine IfttributcV Chap. z2. fhould go into Egypt, andbe called forth from thence by .ivy God ; that his chief refidence flhöald'be in Galilee, the ,fz. 3.3.4, 5' regionofZebulon and ÄTepthali ; that he fhould be poor 9. ifa. 3. r. and humble, and enter intoHierufalem on the Fole of Ifa. 56.6,;. an Afs; that he fhouldperform greatMiracles in refto- Zech. tr. rz. Pfal. zz 7, 4. ring the Blind, the Lame,the Deafand Dumb; thathe If, 16. fhould fullermanyAfßié ions,Contempt, Scorn,Stripes, Pfal.69. zz. Prat. zz, 19. be fpit on, fcourged, betrayed by his familiar Friend, Pfaff. 16. 11g. fold for a fordid Price; that he fhouldbe put to Death; Plzl. 65. 9. I. that his hands and feet fhould be bored,and his fidepier- tlà 53. ced ; that he fhould dy between twoThieves; that in his Paffion he fhould tafte vinegar andgall; that his gar- ments fhould be divided and Lots he cart for his Coat; that he fhould be buried, andhis Body not fee corrup- tion but rife again the thirdday; that he fhould afcend toHeaven and fit at the right hand ofGod : and all thefe Predi6tions are exa&ly fulfill'd in the Lord Chrift. 3. The confequents ofhis Coming are foretold. r. That the Jews fhould reje t him becaufe of the ßtä: 53 meannefs ofhis appearance. They neither underftood 'the Greatnefs and Majefly, nor the Abafement of the Mefah defcribed in theirProphefies : not hisGreatnefs, that the Son ofDavid was his Lord, that he was before Abraham,who rejoyced to fee hisDay : for, they did not believe theEternity ofhis Divine Nature, they did not underftandhis humiliation to Death : Therefore 'twas objetedby them that theMefjïah remains for ever, and this Perfon faith he (hall dy. They fancied a carnal Meliah fhining with Worldly pomp,accompanied with thundring legions, to deliver them from Temporal Ser- vitude; fo that when theyfaro hint withoutformand come- linefs, and that no Beauty was in him tomake him defre- able, they hid their Facesfromhim, they defpifed and e- ffeemedhim not. Thus by their obflinate.refùfal oef The,