in contríbíngCaacn't 1cDtmptíon. 455_ Meath, they really andvifibly fulfilled the Prophecies c- hàp 22. concerning him. `,¡,/MJ z. That the Levitical Ceremonies and Sacrifices 3n,et =s. Z, fhould ceafe upon the Death of the Mewls, and the. r. 3,"r ,7, Jewitli Nation be difholved. Although the legal Ser- vice was eftablifht with great folemnity, yet there was always a fufficient indication that it fhould not be perpetual. Mofes who delivered the Law told them, that God would raife another Prophet whom they muff PCal. no. 3. hear. AndDavid compofed a Pfalm to be fung in the Temple, containing the eftablithment of a Prieft, not according to the order of Levi but 1Vlelchifedec, who fhould bring in a Worfhip Spiritual and Divine. And we fee this accomplifht : all the Ceremonies were buried inhis grave,and the Sacrifices for abovefixteen hundred years are ceafl. Befides the defiruótion of the Holy City and Sanátuary, the Jews arefcattered in all parts, . and in their dreadful difperfion fuffer the juft punifhment of their Infidelity. 3. It was prophefied that in the time of the Mefah Idols fhould be ruined, and Idolaters converted to the aht?', s. knowledgof the true God : That he,fkouldbe aLight to Gen, 4g. io. the Gentiles, andto him thegathering ofthe .Peoplefhauld be. And this is fo vifiblyaccomplifht in theconverfion ofthe WorldtoChriftianity, that not one jot or title ofGodsWord bath failed ; fo that betides theGlory due to his Power and Mercy, we are obliged to honour him as theFountainof Truth. I will now make force short refe ions upon the Types ofthe Law,to fhow howtheyare compleated inChrift. TheMofaic Difpenfation was focontrived as to bear a refemblance ofthe Meffïah in all its parts. The Lazy ó,;, had afbadow ofgood things to come : Chrifl was the end of the Law ; thefizbitance of thofe fhadows. The main deign of the Epiftle to the Hebrews is to thew,