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456 Oe pantiony ofMe ZitteZtíitbuíe, Chap. 2 a , mew, that in the ancient Tabernacle there were models ; of the Heavenly things revealed in the Gofpel. The great number of Types declares the variety ofthe Di- vine Wifdom, and the admirable fulnefs of Chrift in whom they are verified. Three forts were inftituted. r. Some were things without Life, whofequalities and effects madowed forth his Vertues and Benefits. 2. Things endued with Life and Senfe. 3. Reafonable Perfons that either in their offices, actions, or the me- morable accidents thatbefel them,reprefented theMef- fah. Of the firft fort I will briefly confider the Manna that miraculoufly fell from lleaven,the Rock that by its ftream refremt the Ifraelites in their Journey to Canaan, and the Brafen Serpent: premifing two things. i That in comparing them with the Truth we are to obferve thedefign of God, and not to feek for Myfteries in eve- ry thing. As in Pii Lures fome ftrokes ofthePencil are only for ornament, others for fignification. Bfides, when Superlative things are fpoken of them exceeding their Nature,and that cannot be applied to them without a violent figure,thefull and entire Truth is only found in Jefus Chrift. I. Mannawas aneminent Type ofhim. According- ly the Apoftle declares ofthe Ifraelites, theydidall eat thefameSpiritual meat, not in refpect ofits Material but Symbolical Nature. The exprefs Analogy between Mannaand Chrift, is vifible in refpeEt ofits marvelous production. The Mofaical Manna was not the fruit of the Earth procured by humane induftry, butformed by the Divine Power, and raineddownupon them : there- fore 'tis called theCorn ofHeaven. This typified thecx-0 Pfal:9s:2+ lethal original ofourR edeemer. Ile is the true breadfrom Heaven, given by the Father. He is called the gift :of jot.. E. 32 God eminently, being the richeft and freeft without any merit or endeavour ofMen to procure it. And we may obferve