to CoftfábMng 1;1' an'0 ebentptfon; 45'7 obferve the Truth infinitely exceeded the Type ; for Chap. z a . Manna defcendedonly from the Clouds, therefore our ... Saviour tells the Yews, Mofesgaveye not thatbreadfrom Heaven. But he reallycame from Heaven, where the great and glorious Prefence ofGod is manifefted, and appeared under a vifible form in the World. .Manna was only filed the Bread ofAngels, to fignify its excel- lency above common food ; but the bread ofGod is he which cometh downfrom Heaven. 2. Mannawas difpenf to all the Ifraelites equally ; not as the delicious fruits of theEarth that are the porn tion of a few, but as the light and influences of the Heavens that are common to all : and herein 'twas a re- prefentation of Chrift who is offered to all without di- finftion ofNations, to theJews and Gentiles, to the Grecians and Barbarians ; and without the difindion ofquality, to the Honourable andMean, the Rich and the Poor,the Learnedand Ignorant. Andhere we may obferve the excellency of theSpiritual Manna above the Mofaical : for that fed but one Nation, but the bread of God gives life to the World ; his infinite Merit is fufficient for the Salvationof all. 3. Manna was adelicious food : theTafteof it is de- fcribed to be like wafers mixt with honey that have a pure chaff fweetnefs. This typified theLove of Chrift fhedabroad in the hearts ofBelievers. Such an exalted ravithing pleafure proceeds frorrï ir, that the Pfalmift breaksforth in an extafy, Tafte and fee how Good the Pral° 34° Ae Lord is. 4. Mannawas their only fupport in the Wildernefs ; frengthning them to vanquith their En:lilies, and en- dure the hardfhips to which they were incident in their paffage to Canaan. In this regard 'twas z. lively image ofChrift who is our Spiritual food, whiles we are in the defert ofthe lower World,the place of our trial,expofed N n n to A