4.5s )e parinottpof tieZibine 2ittvíbutm Chap. 22. todangers. Byhim 'alone we (hall be finally vi toriaus over the Enemies ofour Salvation. And in this alto the Truth is infinitely above the Type that prefigured it For Manna could only preferve the Natural Life for a time. As our Saviour tells the yews, your Fathers eat Manna in the Ifildernefs, and are dead. But Jefus Chrilt is the living bread that came down from Heaven, and bath a Supernatural Virtue,toconvey a Life incom- parably morenoble,and anfwerable to the qualityof his Original. 'Tis incorruptible as Heaven from whence Joh. 6.6i. He came. Ifany man eat of this Bread, be fhall livefor ever. Death is fo far from extinguifbing, that it ad- vances the Spiritual Life to its perfethon. 2. The .tlp fle teflifies that the Ifraelites drank of 1 Cot'. io. 4. that- Spiritual Rock thatfollowed them, and,that I{ock was Chrifl. That the. Miracle was myfterious is evident from thecircumiances related of it. When the Ifra- elites were ingreat diftrefs for water, The Lord Paid to Mofes, Iwill.'landbefore thee there upon the Rock in Ho- 1.4od. 17.6. reb, and thou ¡halt fmite the Rock; and there(hall come water out ofit, that the People maydrink. If there had been noother defign but the relieving their neceffity . that might have been fupplied by rainfrom Heaven ;or ifonly to give a vifible effe ft of the DivinePower, that had been difcovered in caufingnew Springs to rife from the Earth, or the CommandofGod hadbeen fuficient to 'hike theRock: Buthe went to it to fignifie the refpect it had tohimfelf. He was the Son ofGod that fpake to Mofes, and conducted the People : For this reafon He is (tiled the Angel of God's prefence,not with refpect to his Nature, but Offices. I will briefly obferve the parallel between the Rock and Chrilt. a. A`Rock is the ordinary Title of God in Scripture, to reprefent his unchangeable Nature and infinite Power,