. tit COittrtbif oranIlattemption. 45'9 Power, whereby He upholds theWorlds And in a fpe- Chap. 2 z. cial manner it refembles the Meah. He is calledThe t.,-' Stonewhich the builders refufed, that was made the head of 4 42 the corner. He is theRockupon which the Church is built, Pfal. z. Z. and fecured againft the violence of Hell. Now Ifrael Pfal. 15. ZL. was not fupplied from the Clouds or the Vallies,but the Rock ; to (hew that the mvflical Rock, the Sonof God, can only refrefh the Spiritual Ifrael with J iving Wa- ter. 2. The qualityofthe Rock bath a proper Significa- tion : For although it had in its Veins a rich abundance of Waters, yet to appearance nothing was more dry and hard. In this it was a Figure of the Spiritual Rock The effects have difcovered inhim unfathomable depths of Righteoufnefs, Grace and Salvation ; yet at the firft view we had no hopes. For ifwe confider him asGod, He is infinitely Holy andJufl, encompaft with everlaft- ing flames againit Sin, and howcan weexpect any cool- ing ftreams fromHim :' If we confider him as Man, he is refembled to a root out ofa dryground. The Juftice of Ifai° 53; the Divine and the infirmity oftheHumane Naturedid not promife any comfort to us. But what cannot infi- nite Love united to infinite Power perform t' Divine Goodnefs bathchanged the Lawsof Nature in our fa- vour, and by an admirable atopened the Rock to re- frefh us. 3. The Rock was (truck with the Rodof Mofes a Type of the Law, before it fent forth its ftreams : Thus Ira our Spiritual Rock was wounded for ourT'ranfgrcilions, bruifed for our Iniquities,and then openedallhis treasures tous. Being confecrated by Sufferings, he is the Author of Eternal Salvation. In this refpect theGofpel propounds himfor theobjea of faving Faith. Idetermined to know nothing among you but yefus Chriii and him Crucified. The Sacraments, the Seals of the New Covenant, N n n 2 have