460 Vie DL rmonp of tOeZíbzne 2ittributro Chap.2 a have a fpecial reference to his Death the Foundation of it. :V`I 7. 37. Jul'. y. 14. Toll. ;: 'Num. zi. 4. The Miraculous Waters followed the Ifraelites in their Journey, without which they had periiht in the Wiidernefs. This reprefents the Indeficiency of the Grace of Chrift. A Sovereign fiream flows from him to fàtisfy all Believers. He tells us, Whofoever drinketh ofthe Water that Iflallgive him, /hall never thirfl but the Water that Ifhallgivehim, /hall be in him a Well of Water fpringing up unto Everlafling Life.. 3. The Brafen Serpent fenfibly expreft the manner of his Deathand theBenefits derived from it. Therefore jefus,being the Minifter ofthe Circumcifion,chofe this Figure for the Inftru6tionoftheYews. AsMofes lifted up the Serpent in the Wildernefs, evenfo muß the Son of, Man be liftedup : that whofoever believes in himfhould not perifh, but have Eternal Life. TheSacred Story re- lates, that the Ifraelites by their rebellious murmuring provoked God to fend Serpents among them, whofePoi- fon was fo fiery and mortal, that it brought the molt painful Death.. In this afui&ìonthey addreft themfelves to theFather ofMercies, who moved by their Repen,. tance, commanded Mofes to make a.Serpenc of Brafs, and ere& it on a Pole in the viewof the whole Campy, that whofoever lookt on it fhould be healed. By this account from Scripture we may clearly underftand fomethingofgreateft confequence was reprefented by it : For theonly Wife Godordains nothingwithout juft reafon. Why muff a Serpent ofBrafs be elevated on a Pole cold not the Divine Power recover them with- out it Why mull y look towards it e could not a healing virtuebe conveyed to their wounds but through their eyes s' All this had a direst reference to the My- fiery ofChrift. For the biting of the Ifraelites by the Fiery Serpents, loth naturally reprefent the effes}s of Sin;_