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InContribingfparrlUeinitiptiott 4.6r Sin, that torments the Confcience, and inflames the Cha 2 2. Soul with the apprehenfions of Future Judgment. And the ere6tinga Brafen Serpent upon a Pole, that had the Figure not the Poifon of thofe Serpents, Both in a live- ly manner fet forth the lifting up ofJefus Chrift on the Crofs, who only had thefimilitude offinfulßéfh. The looking towards the Brafen Serpent is a fit refemblance of Believing, in. Chrift Crucified for Salvation. The Sight of the eye was the onlymeans to derive virtue from it,and the Faith of the heart is the means by which the Sovereign efficacy of our Redeemer is conveyed'. This is the will ofhim thatfent me faithour Saviour, that every one whichJeeth the Son and believed) onhim, may have Eternal Lfe.. As in the campof 'Pact, whoever lookt towards the BrafenSerpent, whatever his wounds were or the weaknefs ofhis fight, had a.prefent remedy; fo how numerous and grievous foever our Sins be, how infirm our Faith, yet ifwe fincerely regard the Son of Godfuffering, he will preferve us fromDeath. Fo.r'this end he is prefented in the Gofpel as crucified before the eyes of all Perfons. 2. Things endued with Lifeand Senfe prefigured' the McJah. I (hall particularly confider the Pafchal Lamb, an illuftriousTypeof him.Chrifl ourPáfeover was facri feedfor us. The whole fcene, as it is laid down in the y 2th ofExodus,fhows an admirable agreement between them. r,. ALamb in refpet of its natural innocency and meeknefs,that fullers without refiftance was a fit emblem ofour Saviour; whofe voice was not heard in theflreet.who didnot break the bruifed Reed nor quench the fmoaking Flax. Hewas oppreffed andhe was aflicYted, yet he open- ednot his Mouth.. He is brought a Lamb to theHaugh- ter J