Bates - BT775 B274 1675

x.62 ie atntot p of íßf Ztbínt%ttributt Chap xa, ter, and es afheep before thefhearers is dumb, fo he open- t eth not his Mouth. z. The Lamb was to be without Spot, to fignify his abfolute perfe6tion. We are Redeemedwith theprecious Blood ofChrift, as ofa Lamb without blemifh and without r7,í8.. Spot. 3. The Lamb was to be feparated from theFlock four days : the Lord Jefus was feparated from Men,and confecrated to be the Sacrifice for the World,after three orfour years fpent in his Minifterial office, preparing himfelf forthat great Work. 4. The Pafchal Lamb was facrificed and fubftituted in the place ofthe firft-Born. The Levitical Priefthood not being inflitu.tedat their going forth from Egypt, e- veryMafter of a Family had a right to exercife it in his own Houfe. Our Redeemer fuffered in our flead, to propitiate Gods Juftice towards us, 5. The Blood was to be fprinkled upon the Poils of the door,that Death might not enter into their Houfes. That facredCeremony was typical : for the fign it felf had no refemblance offparing, and certainly theAngel could diffinguifhbetween the Ifraelitesand the Egyptians without the bloodymark of God's Favour : but it had_a final refpet to Chrift. We are fecured from deftru- tion by the blood of fprinkling. They were to eat the whole Flefh ofthe Lamb, to fignify our intire takingof Chrift upon the terms of the Gofpel to be our Prince and Saviour. 6. The effects attributed to thePafchal Lamb, viz. Redemption fromDeath and Bondage; clearly repre- fent the glorious Benefits we enjoy by Jefus Chrift. Thedeftroying Angel pall over their houfes,and caufed the Egyptians to reftore them to full liberty. That which all the dreadful figns wrought by Mofes could not dQ,was effected by the Paffeover ; that overcame the flub-