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in CDntríbíitg WO Ileaemptíon. 46, ftubbornnefs of Pharaoh, and infpired the Ifraelites with Chap. a . courage to undertake their journey to the promifed Land. Thus we pafs from Death to Life, and from Bondage to the gloriousLiberty ofthe Sons of God, by virtue of Chrift's Blood. 3. Reafonable Perlons reprefented our Saviour ei- ther in their Offices, actions, or the memorable acci- dents that befel them. Jòfph thebelovedof his Father, fent by him to vifit his Brethren, by them unworthily fold to ftrangers, and thereby railed to be theirLord and Saviour, was a livelyTypeof him. Jonah three days and nights in the Whales belly, and miraculoufly re ftored, was aType ofhis lying in the Grave and Refur- rection. 11/Pfes in his Prophetical,David in his Kingly Office prefigured him. The Prieftly Office being the Foundationof the other two, and that upon which our Salvation principally depends, was illuftrated by two gloriousTypes; Melchifedecand Aaron. , Theonethe High-prieft in ordinary,the other the Prieft of God by, extraordinary defignation. I will briefly touch upon the refemblance between him and Chrift. Although Sacrifices were offered from the Beginning ; yet he is the firft to whom that Title is given, as called to that Office in a fpecial manner. The DivinityofChrift's Perfon, the Eternity ofhis Office, and the Infinite Va lue of his Oblation were fhadowed forth by him..Mel- chifedec is introduced into the Sacred story as one de fcenaing fromHeaven and afcending thither, withJut a- ny account ofhis Birth or Death. The filence of the Scripture is Myfterious ; for the Spirit conduéted Holy Men in theirWritings. The Levitical Priefts defcend- ed by Natural Generation from theirpredeceffors, and had fucceffors in their Office, which was annext to the raceofLevi. But Melchifedec is reprefented without Father and Mother, without Beginning andEnd ofDays, whole.