Bates - BT775 B274 1675

464 rOepattnOtip of tie Zíbíne 21ttvíbute1 whole Priefthoodwas permanent in himfelf. ForThings and Perlons have a double being, real in themfelves, and notional as they exist in the mind ; fo that no men- tion beingmade ofhis cominginto the Worldor leav- ing it, the filence ofthe Scripture is equivalent to his continual duration. Now in this was an adumbration ofChrift who was the Eternal Son of God, and really came fromHeaven to execute his Office and afcended thither. And although hisOblation was finifht on the Earth, and his Interceffion íhall ceafe in Heaven ; yet the effeds ofit shall be eternal in his People, and the Glory of it in himfelf. The Apoftle obferves another refemblance between the SupremeQualityof Melchife- dec Kingof Salem and Jefus Chrift : He was King of Righteoufnefs and Peace, He governedhis Subjects in Righteoufnefs, and never ftained thofe hands with hu- mane Blood that were employed in the facred Office of the Priefthood. And by thofe glorious Titles are fig- nified the benefits our Saviour conveys to his People.He is the true KingofRighteoufnefs : By which is not in- tendedthe Righteoufnefs that juftifies before God, in which refpc t he is called the Lordour Righteoufnefs,and is faid to have brought in EternalRighteoufnefi,forthat refpeEts his Prieftly Office ; in that quality he acquired it. But that Title fignifies his giving molt Righteous Laws for the Government of the Church, and his dif- penfing Righteous Rewards and Punifhments, E- ternal Life andDeath, by which he preferves the Ma- lefty of his Laws, and fecures the obedience ofhis Sub- jeEts. And he is King of.Peace, by which we are not to underftand hisTemper and Difpofition,nor our .Peace withGod,for Reconciliation is grounded on his Sacri- fice, nor Peace with Confcience the effeEt of the other; but that whichdepends on his Royalty. As the King ofPeace he keeps hisSubjeas in a calm and quiet Obe- dience Chap. .a a.. i.rvs\;