inC4tttiibit1g rtepei3tptiott. 465 dience all their Thoughts and Paffions are regulated Chap. 22. by his Will. The Laws of fecular Kings are only ex- poledto the eyes, or proclaimed to the ears of their Subjects ; but His are engraven in their hearts. By the inward and almighty efficacy of his Spirit he inclines them to their Univerfal Duty ; and will bring them to Eternal Peace inhis Glorious Kingdom. Firfl, Fromhencewe havean irrefragable Argument Inferences. of the Truth And Divinity of the Gofpel: For 'ris evi- dent by comparing the ancient Figures with the prefent Truth, the Copies with the Original, the PiEtures with the Life, that Eternal Wifdomcontrived them. For no created Underftanding could frame fo various Re- prefentations of Chrift, and all exat5tly agreeing with him at fuch a diftance before His appearance. And if we compare thePredictions with the Events, 'tis molt clear thatonly the DivineKnowledg could reveal them. For otherwifehowwas it pofTible, that the Prophets, fo many Ages before theComingofChrift fhould predia thofe things concerningHim, that exceeded the fore- fight of all the Angels of Light e What intelligence could there be betweenMofes andDavidand Ifaiah, that lived fuch a diftance of time fromone another, to deli- ver fuch things as meet in him as their Centre e And thefeProphecies are conveyed to us by the yen's, the moil: obftinate Enemies of Chriftianity, who although they reverence the Letter, yet abhor the accomplìfh- ment ofthem ; So that there canbe no poffible fufpici- on that they are feigned, andofa later Date than their titles declare. Their fuccefl"ive fulfilling is a perpetu- al Miracle to juftifie the truth of our Religion. Our Saviour ufed this Method for the initruEtion ofhis Dif- ciples. Thefeare the words which Ifpake unto you, that alithingsmu/I befulfilled which were written in the Law ofLike z4. 44. Mofes, and in the Prophets and in the Pfalms concerning I; 0oo me.