4-66 viepatutoupOf Mc Zitine littributev Chap.za. me. As by diffe6Unga dead body we fee the order and pofition of parts in the living, fo by fearching into the legal Types we may difcover the truth of Evangelical Myfteries. Accordingly St. Paul fram'd a powerful Demonfiration from the Scriptures , to prove that efus war the Chrill. In his Writings he deciphers the riddles of the Law, and removes the Veil to difcover the Face of Chrift engraven by the Divine Artificer. Briefly, by (hewing the confent between the two Teftaments, he illuftrates the Old by the New, and confirms the New by the Old. Now what Religion is there in the World, whofe Myfteries were foretold by the Oraclesof God, and figured by his Inftitutions a- bove two thoufandYears before 'twas exhibi ed ? Whole DoEtrine perfe6tly accordswith the molt ancient, vene- rable and Divine Writings ? Can that Religion beany other than Divine, which God did fo exprefly predict, andpourtray in fuch various manner, for the receiving whereofHe made fuch early Preparations in theWorld? Certainly without offering:the ,greateft violence to our rational Faculties,none candisbelieve it. Hedegrades himfelf from the dignity ofbeing a Man, that refufes to be a Chriflian. 2. From hence we may underftand the excellent priviledges of Chriflians, not only abovethe Heathens who by Divine Defertion were wholly Strangers to the Covenant ofMercy, but above God's peculiar People. The MeNah was theexpectation and delire ofHeaven and Earth. Before his Coming the Saints had fome glimmerings of Light, which made them inwardly lan- guifh after the bleffed Manifeftation of it : But that was referved for Believers in the laftAgesof the World. That ancient Promife (the Morningblufhofthe Golpe!. Day) That the Seedof the Woman fhould break the headof the Serpent, and the Serpent brnife his heel, fignified the bloody