in Conírtbíng ii; arCg 31oeniptíon: 4.67 bloody Vitory the Meffïah 1hould obtainover Satan ; Chap.22. but how little of it was underftood ' One may as well may° from the fight ofthe Root foretel the dimenfìons of a Tree, the colottr, figure, and tafle of its Fruits,as from that Prediftionhave difcover'd all the parts of our Me- diator's Office, and the excellent benefits refulting from it. The Incarnation, Crucifixion, Refurrehion, andAfcenfion ofChrift,are in theTypes &Prophecies of the Old Teftament, as Corporeal beings are in the dark- nefs of the Night ; they have a real exiftence, but no Eye is foclear as to enlighten the obfcurity. Themolt fharpfighted Seer might fay, I(hallfee him, but not now. The Miniftry of the Law is compar'd to the Light ofa Candle ; that is shadowy, and confin'd to a finall place: Z pet. That of the Gofpel is like the Sun in its ftrength, that enlightens the World. TheProphets who were near- er theComingOf Chrifi had clearer Revelations,but did not bringperfe6t Day: As force new Stars appearing in the Firmament, increafe, but do not change the na- ture of the Light. Ifaiah who is fo exaEI in defcribing all the circumftances of our Saviour's Death, and his Innocence, Humility, and Patience, that he feems to be anEvangelifl rather than a Prophet ; yet the Ethio- pian Profelyte,who certainly was a proficient in the 3ervifhReligion, underftood not of whom the Prophet fpake. We fee what they were ignorant of, not that our fight is ftronger, but our light is more clear. The doTtrine of the Mefliah faved them, but 'twas then feen at a diftance, andunder a Veil of Ceremonies after the Jewifh fafhion, that concealed its native beauty. The manifeftation of it is more evident in the Accomplifh- ment,thanwhiles the objet of futureExpeEtation. The Paffover had refpeEt to their deliverance from Egypt that was pall, and thereforeeafily apprehenfible ; but it was alfo a Typeof the lambof God that was to take O o o 2 away