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in gContribing on',s laebemption, upon which we are tobuild our hopes. And the Con- Chap.z z. fideration, that the Perfethon of ourHappinefsis refero- LeyNj ed till that time, fhould enflame our defires after it. 'Twas the charaller ofBelievers of the OldTeftament, They waitedfor the confolationofIfrael: 'Tis the defcrip- tionof the Saints in theNew,they love the Appearanceof Cbrf. Ifthey long'd for his Coming in the Flefh, though it was attended with all the circumftances of Meannefs and Difhonoar, the effe is ofour Sins ; with what ardent and impatient Defires íheuld we haften His Coining in Glory, when He (hallappear the Second116. 9. S. time to them that lookforhim, without Sin,unto Salvation :' ThenHe will put an end to all the diforders of the World, and begin the Glorious State, wherein Ho- linefs and Righteoufnefs ¡hall be crown'd and reign for ever. The Chrifiian Church joyns in that ardent Addrefs toour Saviour ; Oh that thou wouldf$ rent the Ira' 46. "_:. Heavens andwould come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy Pretence! As when the meltingfire burneth, theFire caufeth the waters to boile : to make thy. Name known to thine adverfarier, that the Nations may trembleut thy Pretence. Although the Beauty andFrame ofthis vifibleWorld ¡hall be deftroyed, yet thatdread- ful Day (hall be joyful to theSaints : For then all the Preparations ofInfinite Wifdomand Goodnefs ; The things that Eye bath not feen, nor Ear heard, neither have enter ed into the heart ofman, ¡hall be the everlaftingportion ofChore who loveGod. ComeLord yefue. q69 F 1 11i I S,_ The